
Showing posts from March, 2009

A little much of nothing

29 weeks pregnant! 11 weeks to go - Yay ! :) Rylee's new big girl bedroom is finished and looks super cute. I will post some pictures later. I seriously need to work on baby Landry's nursery. We have {almost} everything we need for her arrival but she needs her room to be cute and complete! We are leaving for Dallas Saturday morning and we will be there for a couple of days then off to Houston. This will officially be my last road trip to Dallas/Houston before Landry is born. I am a little sad but I also need to stay close to home and get some things done before baby is born. Hopefully, my family will come visit me and make me less home sick. {hint, hint} Until next time...... xoxo

Our weekend

Not a very eventful weekend but it sure was nice. The weather was great and Rylee enjoyed playing outside. Saturday, I took Rylee to a birthday party at, Kiss A Frog. It was so neat. They started out in a room with a huge castle bounce house, complete with a slide. Next, they went into the "dress up room." All the little girls dressed up as fairies and the three little boys were pirates. So stinkin' cute! In the dress up room, the little fairies had their faces painted, glitter applied to their eyes and even glitter sprayed in their hair. There was glitter everywhere! After they made their own fairy dust, they were off to the cake room. Overall, it was a great party. Rylee had a blast! Here are some photos of the party! :) Until next time....... xoxo

Drum Roll.......

Baby sister officially has a name - Landry Cate Howell Until next time...... xoxo