Induction Day

Today is induction day! I am so excited but also really nervous. I haven't slept much since Monday and here it is 12:50 am and I really need to be in bed {Note: I have to be at the hospital at 6 am.} Every time I feel that I am ready, I think of something else I need to do. Leave it to me to wait until the LAST minute to get things together. I have no idea what Landry will wear home - I did pack 4 outfits.....hopefully by the time we are released from hospital, I will make a decision. ha! Another thing I have been worrying about is my baby girl, Rylee. I keep wondering how she is going to feel about all these changes to her world this week. She is super excited that she will be a big sister and she knows Landry will be here tomorrow but I wonder, "Does she really know whats going on?" I have so enjoyed the last 4 years with my will I ever love another baby the same? Those of you with more than one child, how do you do it? Is it instant? Is it a different kind of love? I just don't know how to do it? I know in my heart that I can do this and things will just naturally fall into place. I guess these feelings running through my head are just my nerves working in overdrive. :)

Today begins a new day in the Howell Family. I can't wait to share pictures of our new princess with all of our friends & family! Thanks to all for your support & love and I will keep y'all updated throughout the day today. Keep posted for updates! :)

Until next time......xoxo


good luck! I will be praying for you! It will be an adjustment for Rylee but she will be fine! :) It was really hard for me when i was in the hospital with Leighton - really broke my heart to see Landen ~ but now they are the BEST of buddies! So no matter what she does in the beginning it will all be ok! Hugs
Jennifer said…
You are in prayers today friend! Rylee will do great; Kennedy couldn't wait to hold Paxton and she still can't get enough of him some days. For me, the loving another was instant. I think the second time around you truly understand how quickly it all goes. I cherish little things so much more with Paxton than I ever did with Kennedy. Best wishes for you!

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