
Showing posts from May, 2010

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is NOT about  a thee day weekend, department store sales, cook-outs or going to the lake. It commemorates soldiers who have died in war.   God Bless all the men & women who gave their life fighting for our freedom. All gave some....some gave all. until next time . .  . . xoxo

Was it worth it?

Yes, I was one of those chicks who went to the midnight showing of Sex and The City: 2! I've promised my Dallas gals that I would NOT say a word about the movie until after they see it Friday night. So, I bet you are wondering if I liked it. . .. . ? Check back after Friday night for thoughts on part 2.  :) Until next time . . . . xoxo

All The Single Ladies...

Just wanted to share this video of Rylee's dance class. They are working on the year end recital and this is what they are doing....SUPER cute! Once the recital is over, I will post again. Can't wait for you to see their little costumes. :) Hope y'all are having a great day! Until next time . . . xoxo


Rylee graduated from preschool Friday night! She was so excited to wear her little cap & gown but mommy was super sad. This is a big step....come fall she will be starting kindergarten. Not only did she graduate, she received the MOST KIND award. By Rylee getting that award, I feel like I've done a pretty good job as a mommy the last 4 years. I was so proud! I did get a chuckle during the ceremony. While the preschool director was calling each child's name, she also announced what they wanted to be when they grew up.....most of the kids said doctor, veterinarian, dancer, singer - MY sweet child said, PRINCESS! ha! really?   My cup runneth over! Here are a few pictures of my GRADUATE. ;) Until next time . . . . xoxo

Kindergarten Madness

As you know, Rylee will start kindergarten in the fall and I could not be more stressed. We've had a hard time finding the RIGHT school for her. Kasey and I have said if we are still in Northwest Arkansas by the time she started school, we would enroll her in private school. And that's what we did. We enrolled her in First Baptist Christian School. We prayed about for a long time and it just seemed like the right choice - but the right choice for who? After all, this was about Rylee not me nor my husband. After speaking with several teacher friends, I gave in and looked at a few of the public schools here in our area. I looked at the traditional public school we are zoned for and the non-traditional school {year round school} as well. While I am a big fan of the non-traditional school, the location and dynamics of the school was not to my standards. We went in for a tour of the traditional school and I immediately fell in love with the kindergarten area. There was just so...


Landry Cate, you are 11 months old! {Mon 5-10-10} I can't believe I am planning your FIRST birthday already. What are you up to these days? ~ You can stand by yourself ~ You have taken 3 or 4 steps here and there. {you would rather crawl - you are so fast} ~ You DO NOT like to sit still. {it's super hard trying to get your picture now} ~ You pretty much eat anything. {you are eating more table food now} ~ You LOVE to play in Rylee's tent You are such a blesssing, Landry! Mommy, Daddy & Rylee love you so much! Until next time. . . . xoxo

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is bittersweet for me. I lost my mother 11 years ago and it seems like just yesterday. I think about my mom daily but there is something special about Mother's Day that makes me miss her even more. I sit around and think about all the great memories I have of her and all the fun we use to have. It saddens me that my daughter's will never know their grandmother and how much she would have loved & spoiled them. I do believe she is looking down on them and smiling with every tantrum & fit they throw. . . . laughing at me because I would always say, "My kids will NEVER do this or that" and I hope she is watching over us and guiding our every move. I miss her so very much and I can't wait to tell my kids about their wonderful grandmother. While I do miss my mother, I have two beautiful babies that I get to spend Mother's Day with. They are my ray of sunshine and I feel very blessed to have them. Happy Mother's Day, Mom.....I miss you! Happ...