Kindergarten Madness

As you know, Rylee will start kindergarten in the fall and I could not be more stressed. We've had a hard time finding the RIGHT school for her. Kasey and I have said if we are still in Northwest Arkansas by the time she started school, we would enroll her in private school. And that's what we did. We enrolled her in First Baptist Christian School. We prayed about for a long time and it just seemed like the right choice - but the right choice for who? After all, this was about Rylee not me nor my husband. After speaking with several teacher friends, I gave in and looked at a few of the public schools here in our area. I looked at the traditional public school we are zoned for and the non-traditional school {year round school} as well. While I am a big fan of the non-traditional school, the location and dynamics of the school was not to my standards. We went in for a tour of the traditional school and I immediately fell in love with the kindergarten area. There was just something about it that made me realize we needed to sit down and discuss this again - as a family. Rylee has toured both the private school & the public school. Of course, she liked them both but she seemed at home in the public school. So, after more prayer and a lot of thought, we are going with the public kindergarten. I just think Rylee will benefit from having a true kindergarten experience. Wish us luck!

I hope as a mother, I am making the right decision.

Until next time . . . . xoxo


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