Happy Mother's Day!
Today is bittersweet for me. I lost my mother 11 years ago and it seems like just yesterday. I think about my mom daily but there is something special about Mother's Day that makes me miss her even more. I sit around and think about all the great memories I have of her and all the fun we use to have. It saddens me that my daughter's will never know their grandmother and how much she would have loved & spoiled them. I do believe she is looking down on them and smiling with every tantrum & fit they throw. . . . laughing at me because I would always say, "My kids will NEVER do this or that" and I hope she is watching over us and guiding our every move. I miss her so very much and I can't wait to tell my kids about their wonderful grandmother.
While I do miss my mother, I have two beautiful babies that I get to spend Mother's Day with. They are my ray of sunshine and I feel very blessed to have them.
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there and the ones who
hope to become mothers someday! xoxo