50 things about me . . . . .you may or may not know.

My friend Ashley over at Ashley's Avenue did this today, and it was kind of neat, so I am doing it too!

1. I am from Texas - born and raised.
2. Moved to NW Arkansas 6 years ago.
3. My mom died in 1999. I was only 22. Two weeks shy of being 23.
4. I LOVE mexican food. Could eat it every night.
5. Of course, you can't love mexican food without a good margarita!
6. During both pregnancies, I ate at Hooter's like 3 nights a week. The other 2 nights, I wanted mexican food.
7. Can't live without Diet Coke.
8. I don't like the taste of water, but drink it anyway.
9. I have two tattoos. {a ladybug & a four leaf clover}
10. Wish I went to Law school. Maybe one day.
11. LOVE to shop. I can always justify a purchase.
12. Hate to have my photo taken
13. My hair has been gray since I was 25. {thank you highlights}
14. pedicures are my guilty pleasure.
15. Would love to have another baby!
16. Wish I knew how to sew.
17. H-A-T-E to cook.
18. Don't eat seafood or chinese.
19. Love monogramming stuff.
20. My favorite movie is Steel Magnolias.
21. I love to make cupcakes.
22. My favorite season is Spring.
23. I wish I had time to volunteer.
24. Would love to join Junior League.
25. I love Bon Jovi.
26. I go to Sonic happy hour almost every day.
27. Neither one of my girls had a pink nursery.
28. My favorite color is PINK.
29. Recently, I've become a junk shop addict. Love to look for antiques or refurbished furniture.
30. LOVE garlic bread.
31. would like to have smaller boobs. For real.
32. look forward to getting mail.
33. love getting my hair washed.
34. got married July 3, at a country club, outside in Texas. HOT!
35. NEVER wear sandals or flip-flops without my toes being painted.
36. a believer in giving blood.
37. an organ donor.
38. Conservative.
39. wish I had longer eyelashes.
40. I have three younger brothers.
41. I like having breakfast for dinner.
42. Sometimes I order dessert instead of dinner. Let's face it, sometimes you really only want dessert anyway.
43. I am terrified of snakes and spiders.
44. gymnastics fan.
45. fan of all music except techno. You should see what's on my iPod.
46. III Forks is my favorite restaurant. {in Texas}
47. my favorite ice cream is strawberry.
48. I'm not a Twilight fan. Harry Potter either.
49. To Kill A Mockingbird is my favorite book.
50. my girls will never have bangs. {ha!}


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