Girl Scouts

Anyone know anything about Girl Scouts? I don't! This is the only thing I know about Girl Scouts.


Rylee wanted to join Girl Scouts last year, but we were so busy . . . . ok, I just didn't want to deal with it. I thought she'd forget about it this year. WRONG! Back to school night last week, they had a Girl Scout table set up, and guess who made a beeline to find out some info? Yep, the girl did. She gave me the sweet, 'Please mom', with the big puppy dog eyes, and I caved. We have a parents meeting next week. I hope I can learn a lot, cause' I know nothing! {about Girl Scouts}


ginacate said…
I know a little, my Landry is a Girl Scout. She begged me to join for a couple of years. Last year I finally gave in, and I'm so happy that I did. She loves it. They promote friendship (the good old fashioned nonjudgemental love-everyone-for-who-they-are kind), valuable life lessons (like maintaining good moral character, finances, etc.), and most importantly GOD! In a nation where we have no prayer in school and we can't mention the Lord because we may offend some non-believer, Girl Scouts has remained steadfast in their faith. Landry participated in a "God and Me" Girl Scout course this summer for four weeks to earn a badge. How wonderful to have fun with your friends AND learn about God! Girl Scouts has been a great experience for us so far...and the cookies aren't so bad either!!!

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