Happy New Year!

Wow! Where did 2009 go? If it's one thing I've learned over the years, it's that days are long but the years go by fast. The last ten years have been such a rollercoaster ride for me. There were a lot of sad times but a ton of great ones as well. I am hoping that the next ten will be smoothe and happy! Like most people, I always make a NEW YEARS RESOLUTION list..... that I don't stick to. Let's face it, who does? I may start off on the right track but somewhere down the hill I veer off the path. So, this year, I have decided to make a NEW YEARS WISH LIST. That way, if I get off the path, it's ok, I won't feel so bad. ha!

Here is my WISH list for 2010:

~ Be healthy! Yes, I need to lose 20lbs. This is the time to get off my butt and do it.... I want to feel good about myself, again.
~ Be a better mom & wife.
~ Get organized. My closet is o-u-t of control!
~ Cook more....haha, ok....that may be reaching too far! ;)
~ Be a better friend, sister/sister in law and daughter.
~ Do more activites with Rylee. Since Landry has been here, she has taken the back seat and I feel bad for her.

My biggest wish for 2010....

~ Is that God blesses Michael & Sarah with a baby! They deserve a little piece of heaven!

So, there is my NEW YEARS WISH LIST. Hope everyone has a Happy New year and a blessed 2010.

I will leave you with a little new years quote......

Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right. ~ Oprah

Until next time..... xoxo


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