Guess who came to visit on Friday. . . . .


Rylee's tooth has been loose since December. Her daddy has been trying to pull it for a few weeks and she wouldn't let him. Now, if you know me, loose teeth gross me out. Like gross me out to the point where I want to throw up. Lovely thought, huh? Friday morning we were running late, so we had breakfast on the way to school. As Rylee bit into her french toast stick, she screamed and said her tooth hurt. So, I had her open her mouth and all I saw was blood. Now, I'm thinking the tooth came out and she swallowed it. UGH! So, I had her take a drink of her juice {to remove the blood} and the tooth was still there. DANG! So, she tries to finish her food and she's having a hard time eating. Well, I knew I couldn't send her to school with her mouth hurting, I mean, how would she eat lunch? My first instinct was to take her back home, and wait until Kasey came home from Los Angeles that afternoon so he could pull it. HA! Then reality set in, I couldn't let her skip school for such a silly reason. So, I pulled into the parking lot, made her get into the front seat, because momma was going to pull the tooth. {by this point, I could have used a drink - the ADULT kind of drink} She kept saying, "mom, doesn't my wiggly tooth freak you out?" haha, smart girl. So, I get her to open her mouth, I reach in and YES, I pulled the tooth. Was I sweating and feeling faint? YES! But I did it. I got the tooth out, in the school parking lot. Classy, I know. 

Then, I realized we were going out of town later that afternoon. So, yep, the tooth fairy found us in Little Rock. ;)

the best part . . . . .
as I was putting the tooth in the special tooth fairy pillow, 
I asked Rylee how much the tooth fairy gave,and she replied 
with, "25, maybe 50." So, I asked, 25 cents? 
She said, "NO mom, dollars! ha! 

P.S. I don't have a picture of the missing tooth smile because being the diva she is, she said she wouldn't look cute with 
a missing tooth. ha!


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